The Dream

Build Your Garage.

Do you park on the street? Do you share a parking space with your roommate that eats ground turkey and boiled eggs 5 days a week? Have you seen Tony Stark’s garage!?

Practical Practical PracticalPractical

Well, now you can build your own. Add your sweet ride to the online garage feature. Take a picture of your heaven on wheels and post it up for your friends to see. Give it a nickname? Sure, why not.


Registration Renewal “Tags”

Hate waiting? So do we Well, wait no longer! Our app will give you the power of DMV in the palm of your hand. The power of the government without all the politics! Wow, now that’s CarSimple.

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How outdated is getting a letter in the mail? My grandma can code. She sent me NFT for my birthday. Good thing is you don’t need to wait for your renewal notice in the mail anymore! Doesn’t it sit on your desk for 3 months, you forget about it, Frank and the boys called, and you guys went out to celebrate another Lakers win. Time flies, your dog runs away with a poodle, and you become so distracted you forget your tags are 3 days late. You’re driving home from work, feeling good, but then you get pulled over for having expired tags? How basic is that! Not to worry, CarSimple will text you and email you in advance! No more late fees, no more tickets, zip, zero, nada.

Car simple

408 E. 1st St Suite 210
Long Beach, CA 90802

2023 Trademark of CarStatus, LLC
This is a staging enviroment

408 E. 1st St Suite 210Long Beach, CA 90802
Trademark of CarStatus, LLC