More Driving
Less Waiting.


Our amazing partners

What we offer

Pay your tags instantly using the CarSimple app

Instant Vehicle Registrations

Pay your tags and get a digital copy of your registration

No Late Fees/

Text and notifications with renewal remainders

Check Your Fees

No VIN required License plate only

Build Your Garage

Add all your cars and keep track of registration status

Build Your Garage

Do you park on the street?

Do you share a parking space with your room mate that eats ground turkey and boiled eggs 5 days a week?

Have seen Tony Stark’s garage!?

Well now you can build your own.

Add your sweet ride to the online garage feature.

Take a picture of your heaven on your wheels and post it up  for your friends to see.

Give it a nick name? Sure why not.


Pay your tags and get a digital copy of your registration

Manage Garage & Vehicles

Add your vehicles to the online garage

Registration alerts

Text and Email notifications with renewal reminders

Instant Fee Calculator

Our automated services will capture your fees

Hassle Free Payments

Seamlessly process your registration renewal

Pay On Time

No more late fees

Registration Renewal

Hate waiting? so  do we. well, wait no longer! the DMV in the palm of your hands! Yes, we said it. The Power of the Government without  all the politics! Wow, that’s  CarSimple.

Common Questions

Do I need my Vehicle Identification Number aka VIN # to process?

No, All you need is your License plate number and valid email

Can I renew my tags in another state?

No. CarSimple is only available in California for the time being

How soon will I get my stickers (tags)?

Digital copy of your registration will be available instantly on the CarSimple app and original copy along with stickers will be mailed to the address on  file with the DMV with standard USPS shipping and tracking

Yes. CarSimple is licensed  by the department of motor vehicles (DMV) in California to provide  vehicle registration services

Is this the DMV?

No. We are a Licensed third party.

Is this service free?

No. This service can be  provided  free of cost at your local DMV . Our convenience fee is $30.00

I didn't get my registration in the mail?

Please email us at Please include your license plate number in the subject line. Please allow a 72 hours response from our technical team.

How to delete user account permanently

Please contact CarSimple at, providing the account details and reason for Cancellation

What our users says

Track your Registration Fees Better Today

This is a staging enviroment

408 E. 1st St Suite 210Long Beach, CA 90802
Trademark of CarStatus, LLC